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Waste Management

Pathogenic Waste


In light of the strict regulations governing this type of waste, Desler, as an operator and transporter, provides these services with quality tailored to the needs of each of its clients. This includes containers for segregation and storage, as well as the generation of documentation and certificates required by the relevant regulatory authority.

The processes we carry out at the Desler plant are:

Thermal Destruction by Pyrolytic Incinerator

A highly efficient process that reduces the mass of waste and destroys toxic substances. Desler S.A.'s incinerator furnace destroys waste according to the destruction standards set by national and provincial environmental authorities. The liquid effluent is directed to the wastewater treatment plant in accordance with regulations established by the Water Authority of the Province of Buenos Aires.


This technology is used for treating clinical waste from human and veterinary health activities. The process includes cycles of pre-vacuum, sterilization at pressure and temperature regulated by standards, decompression, and post-vacuum. This achieves an efficiency level that transforms pathogenic waste into waste comparable to urban waste.

Plant Laboratory

Desler has a laboratory in its plant where the waste streams to be received at its facilities are evaluated and analyzed to determine the most suitable treatment for them.

Additionally, operational checks are also carried out in the laboratory to verify compliance with the established standards for each process.


We have an extensive fleet of trucks equipped to transport all types of hazardous waste, operated by highly qualified personnel prepared to respond to various events that may occur during transport.

Transporting industrial, special (hazardous), and non-special waste, as well as pathogenic waste, requires obtaining permits at both the national and Buenos Aires province levels. This allows us to provide services covering the entire national territory.

Desler S.A. has a transport service for pathogenic waste authorized by provincial, national, and C.A.B.A. authorities for efficient management that complies with the rigorous safety measures established by health-related institutions. All regulations require that pathogenic waste be treated within 24 hours or stored under special conditions. Therefore, our pickup and transportation service offers special containers for immediate segregation of waste, wheeled containers with lids for temporary storage and transport, and special drums for liquids.

To learn more about our services, please contact us by clicking on the icon of your preferred method:

Ícono de whatsapp

+54 911 6665 8794

Ícono de email


Alternatively, you may contact us by phone:

Ícono de ubicacion en el mapa

Desler plant

(03327) 44-1200

Ícono de ubicacion en el mapa

Ipes plant

(0291) 456-1657

Ícono de ubicacion en el mapa

Ecopolo plant

11 4571-2269