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The environment belongs to
everyone; we work to protect it.
Years in the field
Annual savings in natural gas
Recovered water over the last year
Years in the field
Annual savings in natural gas
Recovered water over the last year


Throughout our history, we've built a strong culture based on innovation and reliability to achieve goals focused on sustainable development. We are profoundly committed in working towards a sustainable environment and the protection of our natural resources, always keeping in mind the operational context where our collaborators are located.

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Provide public and private environmental management services with creativity and high-quality standards to satisfy our clients, collaborators, suppliers, shareholders, and the community.


Be the leading company in environmental engineering and services in Argentina.

The Group is composed by 3 exemplary companies in the field; Desler S.A, Ipes S.A., and Ecopolo Argentina S.A, with over 30 years of presence in the competitive market of environmental services.

Our mission is to provide services based on continuous technological innovation, allowing us to maintain our market leadership and the trust of our clients. Desler Group contains a plant for the treatment of pathogenic, hazardous, special, and non-special waste, and two final disposal centers equipped with modern technologies that meet all the operational standards required by national and authorities. Our services extend to projects developed at our clients' facilities, including classification and segregation of waste, on-site waste treatment and works at sites requiring environmental recomposition studies. We offer these highly specialized services nationwide.

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We ensure complete traceability in our management by acting responsibly within the framework of current regulations.


We commit to timely fulfilling our tasks, achieving the desired results, and sustaining our business. We deliver on our promises and strive for continuous improvements within the ethical framework demanded by our industry.


We operate with the highest safety standards for our clients, people, and the environment.


We apply technologies and create tailor-made creative solutions that enable us to meet and exceed our clients' expectations.

Desler Plant

Desler plant is located in the Malvinas Argentinas district, province of Buenos Aires, and is designed for the treatment of pathogenic waste along with hazardous, special and non-special industrial waste.

It has an environmental monitoring program for gas emissions, liquid effluents, groundwater, soil, and air. The analysis is carried out by registered laboratories, and the results are reported to the environmental authorities of the province of Buenos Aires. The Desler plant covers an area of 20,000 m² where processes such as thermal destruction of industrial and pathogenic waste, physicochemical treatments, aerosol treatment, blending, stabilization, mercury decontamination, and autoclave for the treatment of pathogenic waste are carried out. Our services are complemented by the transport of industrial and pathogenic waste, providing comprehensive waste management to our clients.

foto de la planta Desler
Learn about Ipes S.A. Plant

The Ipes S.A. plant is located on National Route No. 33, 18 km from the city of Bahía Blanca, in the La Vitícola area, covering an area of 200 acres, where two processes are carried out for the treatment and final disposal of special and non-special industrial waste. The first process is landfarming, where the waste is applied on the soil and biodegrades naturally. Ipes' landfarming is characterized by each client having their own plot, so the treatment's control and monitoring are done exclusively, complying with regulations from the authorities until its completion and the subsequent release of the plot for a new process.

The second technology is secure landfilling, which allows for the controlled final disposal of hazardous (special) waste, both in the construction operations of the cells and in the operational procedures to evaluate, accept, and dispose different waste streams. Ipes has a rigorous quality assurance and waste acceptance plan complemented by an environmental monitoring program of groundwater, soil, and air quality agreed upon with authorities, which carry out rigorous control over their operations

The processes offered by Ipes also involve the transport of industrial waste, on-site projects, environmental remediations, solid urban waste management, and specific services for chemical and oil industries.

foto de la PLANTA IPES
Learn about Ecopolo Argentina S.A. Plant

The Ecopolo Argentina S.A. plant is located on Provincial Route No. 17, 16 km from the city of Añelo, in the province of Neuquén. In our facilities, we carry out various processes for the treatment and final disposal of special waste, both solid, semi-solid, and liquid.

Our treatments encompass a variety of options, including stabilization for semi-solid and solid waste (micro and macro encapsulated), biodegradation of soils contaminated with hydrocarbons, physicochemical treatment for liquid waste, and safe final disposal in landfills specially designed for semi-solid and solid waste. The choice of the appropriate technology in each case depends on the specific physical and chemical characteristics of the waste.

It is important to highlight that Ecopolo Argentina S.A. is authorized as a special waste operator at both the provincial level, in Neuquén, and at the national level.


Organizations and Chambers

Organizations and Chambers: The Desler-Ipes Group is represented before the following chambers and organizations:

  • • Chamber of Industries for Environmental Protection (CAITPA)
  • • Inter-American Association of Sanitary Engineering and Environmental Sciences (AIDIS), Argentina section
  • • American Chamber of Commerce in Argentina (AMCHAM)
  • • Bahía Blanca Industrial Union (UIBB)
  • • Argentine Chamber of Mining Suppliers (CAPMIN)

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We provide services to leading companies from various productive and service sectors. Our constant innovation, extensive availability of technological, technical, and human resources, and our vast experience allow us to offer tailored solutions to each client and situation.

Some industries and institutions that trust us for their environmental management are:

Hospitals and health centers
Veterinary centers
Oil and petrochemical companies
Meat processing plants
Chemical companies
Pharmaceutical laboratories
Research centers
Educational institutions
Food industries
Municipal, provincial, and national governments
Printing companies
Textile industry
Automotive industry