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Remediation Project Development


Companies and organizations may face environmental situations that require a solution within their own facilities, mobilizing equipment, machinery, instruments, and qualified staff.

Desler has extensive experience in the development of these types of projects, which demand high technological specialization for innovative solutions, strictly adhering to hygiene, health, and environmental standards.

Among the technologies that Desler has, authorized by the governing authority as an "on-site operator", we can mention:

For solid matrices

Soil remediation by biological treatment through biopiles

A controlled biological process where organic pollutants are biodegraded and mineralized. The process involves forming piles with contaminated soil and stimulating microbial activity, aerating, and adding nutrients and moisture. The aim is to implement a set of corrective measures to restore soils to their initial state, or at least to a state that does not pose a potential risk to human health or ecosystems.

Soil remediation by biological treatment through landfarming

Developed at our Ipes plant, the landfarming process involves applying technology for natural biodegradation in soils. With worldwide diffusion, it especially treats waste from the food, petrochemical, chemical industries, service stations, hydrocarbon-contaminated soils, and others, providing assistance in environmental accidents. The regulations of the Buenos Aires province for this technology establish rigorous control plans for treatment plots. At Ipes, we operate with one plot per client, avoiding the mixing of streams from different sources and allowing each client to make particular evaluations about the evolution of the treatment and verify the completion of the process and the consequent release of the plot.

Micro and macro stabilization and in-situ solidification

Solidification/stabilization (S/S) reduces the mobility of hazardous substances and pollutants in the environment through physical and chemical means. Unlike other remediation technologies, S/S aims to immobilize pollutants within their "host" medium (e.g., soil, sand, and/or materials containing them) instead of removing them through chemical or physical treatment. The leaching test is usually the method used to measure the immobilization of pollutants. In-situ S/S techniques use drilling systems and injection heads to apply S/S agents to soils.

Removal and final disposal of facilities with asbestos

Asbestos are naturally occurring fibers widely used in buildings and industrial facilities for thermal, acoustic, and fire insulation. The greatest risk is chronic inhalation of fibers released into the air, causing serious health damage. Therefore, the removal of asbestos materials must be done with great caution to minimize fiber release. Desler offers a wide range of services ranging from search and identification to final disposal of the waste, covering all intermediate steps.


Desler offers this service for the proper handling and disposal of small quantities of hazardous chemicals. It is a cost-effective alternative that saves time when disposing of expired, unused, or unknown chemicals. The labpacking service protects our clients from risky and costly errors in handling hazardous waste.

Transport, treatment, and final disposal of waste streams generated in environmental remediations

Removal tasks, treatment by an authorized operator ensuring final disposal with certification from the governing authority of the corresponding jurisdiction.

For liquid matrices

Remediation of sites with contaminated groundwater by Soil Vapor Extraction (SVE) system:

SVE soil vapor extraction is an in-situ remediation or cleaning technology for the unsaturated (vadose) soil zone, in which a vacuum is applied to the soil to induce controlled air flow and remove volatile and some semi-volatile contaminants from the soil. The gas leaving the soil can be treated to recover or destroy the contaminants, depending on local and state regulations for atmospheric emission discharge.

Remediation of sites with contaminated groundwater by Dual Face (DF) system

Allows the removal of soil and groundwater contaminants through the DF system, minimizing the site's environmental risk by reducing the thickness of the Free Liquid Non-Aqueous Phase (FLNA) and immobilizing the underground affected plume.

Dehydration treatments of sludge by centrifugation and filtration

Treatment processes and systems for effluents usually produce residual sludge or mud, which is convenient to dehydrate to reduce transport and treatment costs. In sludge dehydration, Desler offers a wide range of services including dehydration tests, centrifugal dehydration, vacuum or filter press dehydration, transportation, on-site or off-site treatment, and final disposal. We have a track record of projects carried out in top-level companies, and we have already dehydrated thousands of tons.

Inertization, tank and production pool cleaning - Confined space cleaning

Spaces such as pools, tanks, and chambers usually accumulate waste that needs to be extracted to maintain the operational capacity of these facilities and prevent accidents. Usually, these operations require personnel to enter these spaces, with the consequent risks. Desler has extensive experience in highly complex tasks, even using assisted breathing. Additionally, Desler offers a variety of treatments for confined spaces, according to the technical and economic convenience of each one.

To learn more about our services, please contact us by clicking on the icon of your preferred method:

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+54 911 6665 8794

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Alternatively, you may contact us by phone:

Ícono de ubicacion en el mapa

Desler plant


Ícono de ubicacion en el mapa

Ipes plant

(0291) 456-1657

Ícono de ubicacion en el mapa

Ecopolo plant

11 4571-2269